MOUNTAIN SEMERU Mahameru peak (3.676m)

Mount Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java with a height of 3676 M above sea level (peak Mahameru). In 1913 and 1946 Crater Jonggring Saloka have dome with a height of 3744.8 M until the end of November 1973.
The mountain is included in the area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The park consists of mountains and valley area of ​​50273.3 hectares. There are several mountains inside the caldera Gn.Tengger among others; Gn.Bromo (2.392m) Gn. Shell (2.470m) Gn.Kursi (2.581 m) Gn.Watangan (2.662m) Gn.Widodaren (2.650m). There are four lakes (ranu): Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo, Ranu Darungan.

It takes about four days to climb the peak of Mount Semeru round-trip. We recommend bringing lunch for one week because we would like to camp, it could be because of the scenery and atmosphere is very beautiful, or because of exhaustion after climbing the mountain semeru.

To climb the mountain can be reached via the town semeru poor or Lumajang. From the city terminal unfortunate we ride public transportation to the village of Overlapping. Connected again with a jeep or truck Vegetables are widely available in the back of the terminal market Overlapping with the cost per person Rp.13.000, - to post Ranu Pani.

Previously, we stopped at Gubugklakah to obtain a driver's license, with the details, the cost of permits Rp.6.000, - to a maximum of 10 people, park entrance tickets Rp.2.000, - per person, per person Rp.2.000 Insurance, -

Using a vegetable truck or jeep journey starts from Ranu Pani Overlapping towards the last village at the foot semeru. Here there are checkpoints, there are also shops and cottages. Climbers can also spend the night at the guard post. In Pos Ranu Pani also there are two lakes namely Lake (ranu) pani (1 ha) and ranu regulo (0.75 ha). Situated at an altitude of 2200 masl.

For first-time climbers who may be puzzled to find the hiking trail, and just running around in Ranu Pani, for that after arriving at the welcome gate, note continues to the left towards the hills, do not follow the wide road to the farm population. In addition to the usual path bypassed the climbers, there is also a shortcut that is usually used local climbers, this route is very steep.

Initial path we've been through ramps, down the hillside dominated by reed plants. No sign signpost street, but there are signs at every 100m distance measure, we just follow the signs. There are many fallen trees and branches above the head, so we must often lowered his head, high keril bag is not very convenient.

After walking about 5 km down the hillside overgrown Edelweis, we will arrive at Watu Rejeng. We will see a very beautiful steep rock. We saw beautiful views towards the valley and the hills, overgrown with fir and pine forests. Sometimes we can see clouds of smoke from the top semeru. To reach Ranu Kumbolo we still have to travel a distance of about 4.5 Km.

Should take a break and set up a tent when arrived at Ranu Kumbolo. There is a lake with water that is clean and has very beautiful scenery, especially in the morning we saw the sunrise on the sidelines of the hill. There are lots of fish, sometimes wild grouse. Ranu Kumbolo located at an altitude of 2400 m with an area of ​​14 ha.

From Ranu Kumbolo should prepare as much water as possible. Leaving Ranu Kumbolo we climb steep hills, with beautiful views over the lake behind. In front of the hill we stretched a vast prairie called Oro-oro Ombo. Oro-oro Ombo surrounded by hills and mountains with beautiful views, large meadow with pine trees on slopes such as in Europe. From behind Mt. Kepolo visible peak Mt. Semeru belching smoke wedus trash.

Next we entered the fir forests where sometimes we find birds and deer. There are many fallen trees that we have to step over or climb. This area is called Cemoro Cage.

Kalimati heading at an altitude of 2700 m, here we can set up a tent to rest and prepare physically. Then continue climbing in the early morning at 24.00. This postal form large meadow at the edge of pine forest, so a lot of available twigs to make a campfire.

There is a spring water source Mani, to the west (right) edge of the forest track Kalimati with a distance of 1 hour round trip. In Kalimati and in Arcopodo many rats there are mountains when we set up a tent and want to sleep should store food in a safe place.

To go Arcopodo we turn left (East) runs about 500 meters, then turn right (south) down a little meadow Kalimati. Arcopodo within 1 hour of Kalimati through pine forests are very steep, with a land prone to landslides and dusty. Can we also camped in Arcopodo, but less stable soil conditions and frequent landslides. We recommend using goggles and masks because a lot of fly ash. Arcopodo located at an altitude of 2.900m, Arcopodo is the final vegetation on Mount Semeru, the rest of us will pass through the dunes.

Arcopodo to the summit of Mount Semeru takes 3-4 hours, passing through a very steep sand dunes and easily degenerate. All luggage should we live in Arcopodo or in Kalimati. Ascent to the summit made the early morning at around 2:00 am from Arcopodo. Agency in fresh condition, and effective in using water. Field trips during the day that passed seemed less severe than hot sand also will loose when exposed to heat. Cendurung daytime winds north toward the summit carrying poisonous gas from the crater Jonggring Saloka.

At the peak of Mount Mahameru (Sumeru) climbers are advised not to Jonggring Saloko crater, also banned climbing from the south side, because of the poisonous gas and lava flows. Mahameru dipuncak temperature range 40-10 degrees Celsius, at the height of the dry season minus 0 degrees Celsius, and ice crystals found. Weather is often foggy, especially at noon, afternoon and evening. The wind was blowing hard, in the month of December to January is often a storm.

Wedus trash eruptions occur every 15-30 minutes at the peak of Mount Semeru is still active. In November 1997 Gn.Semeru erupted as much as 2990 times. Daytime wind direction to the summit, to avoid it coming during the day at the peak, because the toxic gas and lead to the summit eruption.

The eruption of white smoke, gray to black with a height of 300-800 meters eruptions. The material that comes out at every eruption of ash, sand, gravel, rocks and even hot burning which is very dangerous if hikers are too close. In early 1994 the hot lava flowed south slope Gn.Semeru and ask a few casualties, hot river views winding towards the sea becomes a very interesting spectacle.

The climb should be done in the dry season ie June, July, August, and September. Should not climb in the rainy season due to frequent storms and landslides.

In general the climate in the area of ​​Mount Semeru including climate type B (Schmidt and Ferguson) with rainfall 927 mm - 5498 mm per year with the number of rainy days 136 days / year and the rainy season falls in November - April. Temperatures ranged from Semeru dipuncak 0-4 degrees Celsius.

Flora is located in Mount Semeru area but a lot of diverse types dominated by spruce, acacia, pine, and the type Jamuju. As for the plants under dominated by Kirinyuh, Alang - alang, tembelekan, Harendong and Edelwiss Putin, Edelwiss that is widely available on the slopes to the summit of Semeru. And also found several species of orchids endernik who live around the South Semeru.

Many of the fauna that inhabit the mountain Sumeru, among others: Tiger beetles, leaf monkey, Civet, Deer, Mouse Deer, etc.. While in there Kumbolo Ranu surviving wild grouse.


According to Javanese belief that ancient book written in the 15th century, the island of Java at some time floating in the ocean, the waves toyed with here and there. The Gods decided to tack the island of Java by moving the Mount Meru in India over the island of Java.

Lord Vishnu transformed into a giant tortoise mountain holding his back, while Brahma was transformed into a long snake that wraps its body on the mountain and the bodies of turtles so that the mountain can be transported safely.

Gods are placed on top of the mountain was the first island they encountered, namely in the western part of Java Island. But the weight of the mountain's eastern tip of the island lead up to the top. Then they move to the eastern part of the island while still tilted, so they decided to cut some of the mountain and placing it in the northwest.

This fragment formed Pawitra Mountain, which is now known as Mount Pananggungan, and the main part of Mount Meru, the dwelling place of Lord Shiva, now known as Mount Sumeru. At the time of Sang Hyang Shiva came to the island of Java millet saw many trees, so the island is called Java.

Geographical environment of the island of Java and Bali are matched with Hindu religious symbols. In Hinduism there is the belief of Mount Meru, Mount Meru is considered as the home of the gods and as a means of liaison between the earth (humans) and Heaven. If we truly want to hear the voices of their gods shall meditation atop Mount Meru. Many Javanese and Balinese society today still regard the mountain as the dwelling place of gods or spirits. Furthermore, mountainous areas are still used by the Java man as a place of meditation to hear magical sounds.

According to the Balinese Mount Mahameru believed to be the father of Mount Agung in Bali and respected by the people of Bali. Ceremonial offerings to the gods of Mount Mahameru conducted by the Balinese. No matter how the ceremony is only conducted once every 8-12 years at the time people just accept the magical voice of the gods of Mount Mahameru. In addition to the Balinese ceremonial offerings that often come to the area Widodaren Cave to get the holy Tirta.

People rose to the top of Mahameru there that aim to hear magical sounds. There was also a request that given the long life. However the reason people go up to the top of Mahameru, most people are feared by the various ghosts that inhabit the area around the mountain. The ghosts are usually the spirits of ancestors who inhabit places like forests, hills, trees and lakes.

Ancestral spirits are usually aimed at keeping a variety of places and should be respected. The climbers who stay at the lake Ranu Ranu Kumbolo Kumbolo often see ghosts. At midnight there is a light colored orange in the middle of the lake and suddenly transformed into a ghost woman. Usually only people who have a mystical power to see ghosts and he will be able to talk with ghosts. It's up people believe in ghosts or not but many Javanese people who believe that the area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru inhabited by many ghosts.

The route from Malang to Mount Semeru Route Distance (km) road vehicle
1 Malaysia - Overlapping 18 km 45 min
2 Overlapping - Gubugklakah (Post Registration) 12 km 45 min
3 gubugklakah - Ranu Pani (Base Camp) 17 miles 4 hours 90 min
4 Ranu Pani - Watu Rejeng 7 km 1.5 hours
5 Watu Rejeng - Ranu Kumbolo 6 km 1.5 hours
Kumbolo Ranu 6 - Oro oro Ombo 1 hour
7 Oro-oro Ombo - 1 Hour Cage Cemoro
8 Cemoro Cage - Kalimati 1 Hour
9 Kalimati - Arcopodo 1 km an hour
10 Arcopolo - The peak Semeru 1.32 km 3 hours

Route of Mount Semeru Lumajang Distance Route Road vehicles
1 Lumajang - Senduro 25 miles an hour
2 Senduro - Burno 14 km 50 min
3 Burno - Ranu pani (2,200 M) 29 miles 3 hours
4 Ranu Pani - Watu Rejeng 7 km 1.5 hours
5 Watu Rejeng - Ranu Kumbolo (2,400 M) 6 km 1.5 hours
Kumbolo Ranu 6 - Kalimati (2,700 M) 11.5 km 3 hours
7 Kalimati - Arcopodo (2900 M) 1 mile an hour
8 Arcopodo - Sumeru Peak (3676 M) 1.32 km 3 hours

Blog, Updated at: 8:36 PM


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