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Holidays Batu Sindu,Laskar rainbow country Natuna

The splendor of boulders like the ones in the movie Laskar Pelangi, was not only possessed Pacific Islands. In Natuna, Riau Islands, you can also see the beauty of the rocks facing the sea. This is the Stone Sindu, his Rainbow Warriors State Natuna.Sindu is a stone cave in the Senubing Hill, not far from the city Ranai, Natuna Islands. It started as a vacation destination tourists ogled because of its natural beauty. Here, you can see many giant rocks that are on the lip of the hill, and directly facing the sea.

If you come to this place, you could stand upright on a rock, looking far out to sea. Do not forget to bring a camera to capture the moment. Of the rock, tourists can see Senoa Island which is right in front of Stone Sindu.
The most interesting activities that can be done in the Stone Sindu is to enjoy the sunrise from the top of the rocks in the Mount Senubing. Tourists who come can also see the activities of fishermen at sea while waiting for sunrise.

Come with your partner must feel special. But remember, do not utter the words "Tanjung Datu" in this place, or your relationship will end. Thus the confidence of local residents.

This belief stems from the love story of a woman from Tanjung Datu, with men of the Bukit Senubing. At dinner in the procession of the application, the two families even criticize each other. Parties of men say do not ever call anyone Senubing Bukit Tanjung Datu in the soil, or will have bad luck in romance. Vice versa, the woman said the man who was in Tanjung Datu, are prohibited from using the word Bukit Senubing or would have bad luck.
But apart from this story, Sindu Stone remains a wonderful place to visit.

Blog, Updated at: 1:13 PM


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