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Pendowoharjo Sleman Jogjakarta,So the Tourism Village Education

Mingle with the townsfolk, especially rural communities, especially Jakarta is uncommon. As did high school students who conducted a study of Dian Hope tour in Lahore Pendowoharjo Hamlet hamlets. It was delivered by Sleman Regent Drs. Sri Purnomo during a speech at the launching of educational tourism in the village hamlet Hamlet, Pendowoharjo Sleman, Monday 6 February 2012. Sri Purnomo also noted that what is experienced by high school students Dian Hope Jakarta is definitely much different from the countryside, especially in Hamlet, to what is in Jakarta are not found in Hamlet, there is no contradiction between Jakarta and Lahore.

With the study of knowledge transfer is expected to exist between the two regions, what is in Jakarta can be transmitted to the residents of Hamlet, opposite what is found in Hamlet can be applied in Jakarta. The natural conditions are much different between Lahore and Jakarta, while in Sleman pristine natural conditions are in Jakarta and beautiful natural conditions are far different. In Lahore especially in rural adaa still found many trees, while in Jakarta is most often found trees cement. With these differences is a new experience, what's in the village if it fits well and can be applied in jakarta. Also submitted that after the launching of the Tourism Village, Hamlet hamlets of Education is expected that the village still exists as a tourist village with a variety of unique and distinctive features of its own. Do after launching just stop there, but the continuation of rural tourism should continue, not only crowded at the beginning, but it should be better developed and advanced. What is clear with the introduction of Hamlet hamlets as rural tourism is educational tourism village in Sleman grow again, as a tourist asset is able to preserve the culture and environment with habitat alamya. The launching of a tourism village is marked by the signing of the inscription and the release of birds and bird Kutilang Derkuku.

While the declaration of a tourist village education committee hamlet Hamlet, Suhariyanto the opportunity to report that the formation of the hamlet as a tourist village education is not the role of Dian High School Hope that helps a variety of needs Jakarta to mewujutkan good environmental conditions. In the declaration was also attended Hope High School Dian Jakarta by both teachers and students. And will hold various activities for 5 days starting on 6-10 February 2012. They will stay home residents, each household / family will hold about 3-4 students, and they would mingle with the community to learn a variety of community activities undertaken (Home Industry) for the creation of Tempe, Ampyang, candles etc.. On the occasion also displayed art exhibit Jatilan and products of local residents. Meanwhile, Paul of Hope High School Dian Jakarta said that what the students gained in the hamlet Hamlet Pendowoharjo Sleman valuable experience. Students can take a lesson from the visit, which may be applicable in their homes.

Blog, Updated at: 11:08 AM


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