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More Birds Of The Paddy Fields

The Common Sandpiper.
The Heron among the paddy plants.
A Brown Shrike at the water channel.
The Oriental Pratincole having a drink at a puddle in the paddy field.
The Pacific Golden Plover.

The paddy fields in Kedah had provided a nice habitat for these birds. There is plenty of water, insects and aquatic creatures for food. Most of the birds are migratory in nature, originating from China, Northern Europe and others. They will arrive in September, when winter sets in those countries, and depart again in March, when spring emerges.

Tips: Don't wear anything bright. It is easier to photograph them from inside a vehicle. When you step out, they all will fly away immediately. You can even drive up close to about 7 meters for close-up, as long as you remain in the vehicle.
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Blog, Updated at: 1:14 AM


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