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Comfort in the Sundak Beach-Yogyakarta

type = ' html ' >Sundak Beach located in the village of Sidoharjo, Subdistrict of Gunungkidul Regency Regency Tepus, province of Yogyakarta (DIY). Sundak Beach located in the easternmost tip of often deserted beaches Baron, Kukup, Krakal. This beach is indeed relatively natural, gorgeous with the dominance of the sea is blue and the sand beaches are white. Sundak Beach very appealing visited in the morning or in the afternoon. Sunset and sunrise at the beach does offer a spectacular natural landscape. The beach is relatively quiet this is probably going to offer something interesting for those of you who want a peace. Beach Sundak Beach famous as no baron, but for people who want to find peace of Sundak beach is the right choice. Slabs of white sand are splayed out along the shore, awaiting the waves splashed against desiran, seeming to give comfort and tranquility for people who mendambakannya. 

Pantai Sundak - Yogyakarta

Pantai Sundak - Yogyakarta

Pantai Sundak - Yogyakarta

Blog, Updated at: 5:40 AM


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