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Fun Vacation Spots Wakeboarding,Epic Cable Park

INDONESIA-Ramadhan break of less moment. Still confused about the relationship besides doing? Relax wrote, here there are new. Welcome this holiday, there will be a place for leisure and sports adrenaline rush, the Epic Cable Park.
Epic Cable Park is a sports venue Wakeboard with the use of cable (cable park) first and the only one in Jakarta that offers world class facilities to develop the abilities and skills of the players Wakeboard, from children to adults, from beginner to expert.

Soft-launching Epic Cable Park which is the newest vehicle in Ancol Dreamland will be followed by the Grand Opening is planned to take place in September.

On the other hand, the commitment to bring international events and athletes to bring on board to make Epic Wakeboard Cable Park is believed to be the birth of the iconic star of the future generation of Wakeboard Indonesia. Wakeboard who has now competed in the PON, SEA Games and Asian Beach Games is basically the perfect sport to flourish in this country.

\ "Wakeboard is a water sports with the fastest growth in the world and for countries like Indonesia, where the sun always shines and the water temperatures support, there is nothing better to do than wakeboarding, \" said Rafael Nitiyudo, Director of Epic Cable Park .

Besides the presence of Epic Cable Park itself felt in line with the concept of go-green being promoted and campaigned for not using fuel to a speed boat which is used in sports Wakeboard, so it does not cause air pollution or water, which means environmentally friendly.

Epic emergence Cable Park presents an opportunity for Indonesia, to come out of a routine and do something that was not previously known to be an option or society in general. So, are you dare enough to wakeboarding?

Epic Cable Park

Blog, Updated at: 1:17 PM


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