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Vienna Zoo - Zoo Oldest inword


Vienna Zoo (in local language: Tiergarten Schönbrunn) is a zoo located in the area of ​​Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria. Vienna Zoo was founded by the local Empire in 1752, and became the oldest zoo in the world today. Even the Vienna Zoo, now a Best Zoos in Europe today.

In 1779 before the zoo opened to the public. And Emperor Franz Joseph II, successor I continue raising animals, and expeditions to the Americas and Africa to be able to add to the collection at the Zoo

Even in the beginning of World War I, this zoo has reached 712 species and 3500 specimens. And after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the war, the zoo became the responsibility of the Republic of Austria. Because state-run, then the state to renovate and expand the zoo area. Even now there are many new buildings, including the Rainforest House, Desert House, the Aquarium and Terrarium House, and Polarium.
Here are 4 Areas of Outstanding in the Vienna Zoo visited a lot of tourists, and at the same four areas that make the Vienna Zoo was asked as the Best European Zoos.

1. Regenwaldhaus - Artificial Rain Forest Area

This area opened in 2002. Rain forest home is a giant glass enclosure inside merembuat circumstances such as forest complete with artificial lightning storm. So here visitors can walk around inside like in the rainforest, with free-living birds, bats and other animals.

2. Terrarium House - Tunnel Aquarium

The tunnel aquarium terrarium is where we can see a large variety of coral, anemones are full of brightly colored fish and coral. Visitors will be treated to fish species richness and beauty of coral reefs are diverse.

3. Polarium - Cold Pole Area

Polarium Area is an area specially designed for species that need cold air (such as penguins, polar bears, walruses, etc.). In Polarium is often also held events and entertainment circus animals in it. so visitors entertained by the attraction of the penguins and polar bears.

4. Wüstenhaus - Desert Area

This area is designed in such a way as to resemble a desert. Visitors who enter into it so it can be treated to a variety of typical desert botany and also a variety of typical desert animals (mostly lizards and camels).

Blog, Updated at: 12:53 PM


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